1、Should approach holiday syndrome 1. Comprehensive supplementary vitamins and minerals. Control "holiday syndrome" to add very many vitamins and minerals, but those mentioned above, its essence is tip of the iceberg, the body needs nutrients causing a. Therefore, experts suggest: why not choose a vitamin and mineral complex piece, such as deposits and other good. It is currently on the market a more comprehensive multi-vitamin mineral supplement, each capsule contains the A-Zn, 30 vitamins and minerals, taking every day, we can satisfy the full balance of nutrients the body needs. 2. Appropriate rest. Celebrate the holiday is really very tired, leave the best last night to a warm bath to increase the speed of blood circulation, wash away the holiday activity days caused by fatigue. After the holidays, back to work and study part-time status requires more attention to the rest, to compensate for the accumulation of fatigue and recovery holiday. 3. Timely conversion good "role", to change their attitude. Holiday last night, it should be from the seven days of "leisure are" out of the circle, quietly comb should do work the next day after work, after the holiday rush things as much as possible in good order, and will not work on a into overwhelmed a hurry. 4. Slowly adjusting Do not just go to work the few days immediately put into the work difficult, as the first arrangement cost less physical and mental pressure less work, slowly winding himself.。
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